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What if we lived in a world that revolved around the quality of life, rather than economic winners and losers? What if there was a way out of the isolation and polarization that so many of us find ourselves in, toward authentic connections with others, across all divisions and borders? What if we could step out of the culture of blame and victimhood, into a reality that gave us freedom and agency to pursue our dreams?

In-Person to Person, Joeri Torfs and Pim Ampe describe this world and chart a clear path to travel toward it. It’s not a utopia they describe, nor is it a fantasy. Instead, grounded in research and rooted in reality, Person to Person presents an environment that incentivizes goodness, fairness, sustainability, and freedom. It begins with the individual, then moves toward our collaborative relationships; finally, Person to Person proposes a financial environment that would enable this Quality of Life World to flourish—one that is already underway.

Alongside the book’s theory, we meet Jake, Leon, Lana, and Alex: four fictional college students that illustrate the Person to Person concepts as they interact together in their dorm rooms and on campus. Their narrative reminds readers that all of us humans—in spite of our pitfalls, in view of our potential—have the power to make a better world for ourselves: one that is richly satisfying, deeply connected, and truly free.


As you will discover throughout the book the journey towards a person to person life is one of Curiosity, connection and engagement. At the end of each chapter in the book you will find a QR-code that will take you to the interactive content of the book, sharing music, thoughts, questions with other readers.


Michel Bauwens
Founder of the P2P Foundation

A long time ago, when I was a youngster, I read Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.It introduced a Metaphysics of Quality, which aimed to go beyond the subject/object split that stood at the birth of our modern times and has eventually left Western people splintered into many pieces. A healing of the split between the individual, the community, and the society at large is more needed than ever. It is nothing less than the urgent task of our time, which is suffering from a terrible meaning crisis in a deteriorating physical world. This book is a deep but pragmatic exploration of this triple problem: can we be whole and free persons (not just individuals), anchored in real communities that can support their members in a solidary environment and (also just as crucially) in a society that we can meaningfully contribute to? That is the circle that needs to be squared. Don’t expect here yet another new utopia by neo-hippies or techno-dystopian dreams but a mature and anchored ‘heterotopia’ by two authors with ample life and work experience and skin in the game. A high-tech world needs high touch. You will find it here.

Ann Berens
Dr. Ann Berens
Psychiatrist, Chief Physician
Medical Director at UPC Duffel

This book delivers a most practical and straightforward tutorial, introducingthe reader toinnovative ideas about how to increase our quality of life in a very accessible way, making it tangibleand actionable.

Oana Bogdan
Bogdan & Van Broeck
Architect and CEO

Finally a book that highlights the need to break free of the economic, social, and governmental systems we’re in, toward an opt-in environment that would allow for a radical new way of cooperation.

Editorial Reviews

The prose isn’t awash in spiritual lingo or abstract ideas of personal revolution or betterment. As such, the theories presented here will speak to many different minds, from a wide variety of social classes and belief structures.

Rating 4,5 stars


Self-publishing review


With concrete examples and a creative lens, Person to Person offers a unique approach to life that is inclusive, comprehensive, and adaptable.


The Book Review Directory

This bold guide lays out how to create a people-centric self, economy, and civilisation without being destructive.


Publishers Weekly

A meandering but intriguing blueprint for changing social relationships.


Kirkus Reviews

This book does an excellent job of challenging current thinking.


US Review

TA unique combo of psychology, technology and Gen Z culture that includes practical steps, all set in a group with interesting dynamics.



Person to Person is a pensive book that suggests means of fostering autonomy, community, connectivity, and collaborative economic environments


Clarion Reviews

Person to person is available as eBook, paperback and audiobook

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The community statute is a global unique repository of all accepted agreements. It forms the base for all QOLWorld initiatives and contains all agreements and processes defining the workings of the community. The genesis version of the community statute is referenced in the statute of the Quality of life World foundation. Every subsequent version of the community statute is valid if:

It holds a reference to the previous version

It is signed by each individual director of the Foundation

It is sealed by the Foundation

The community statute will be digitally available, immutable, verifiable, ubiquitous.

The agreements in the constitutional section define the functional bodies of the environment. They can only be changed under advisory of the constitutional commission. The constitutional agreements are composed of:

The mindset: The QOLWorld-Community ethics and values

The specifications of the democratic process

 The specifications binding the community statute to the Foundation statute as well as all other legal documents binding the corporate and company structures in the network.

The community statute is a global unique repository of all accepted agreements. It forms the base for all QOLWorld initiatives and contains all agreements and processes defining the workings of the community. The genesis version of the community statute is referenced in the statute of the Quality of life World foundation. Every subsequent version of the community statute is valid if:

The community statute will be digitally available, immutable, verifiable, ubiquitous.

The agreements in the constitutional section define the functional bodies of the environment. They can only be changed under advisory of the constitutional commission. The constitutional agreements are composed of: