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Uniting initiatives that actively contribute to increasing quality of life for everyone.


Diversity is the basis of life, who we are, how we think and feel, the way we function and participate in life is different for each of us. Evolution showed us that it is not the strongest who survive, but those who are best able to adapt to evolutionary change.

Change is needed. The world is a hurting, broken place. Our trajectory is not sustainable— not for people, not for society, and not for the planet. Let us not ignore the seriousness of what’s at stake.

Rather than despair, we consider these tensions as a normal process. The existing conditions in any society contain the seeds of future social changes. Conflict is a permanent feature of society, not just a temporary event. It’s something we can expect and even embrace—not interpret as a reason for despair. Working through conflict can bind people together—it can encourage people of similar interests to unite, in order to achieve their objectives. Continuous conflict in this way keeps society dynamic and ever changing.

“There’s a billion different people doing a billion different things to make a billion places better today” — Michael Franti & Spearhead


We all have a choice about how we respond to tensions and conflict: we can despair; we can become numb; or we can try to light a spark and put something in motion.

We can hope—and we can do something about it.

Consider yourselves as the Future in the present. Increasing Quality of life for everyone will only materialize if we align and work together.

Your energy is required to make this work!

Let’s begin!


Clear Filters
11 May, 2020

Samenwerken aan een mensenmaatschappij


Clear Filters
31 May, 2019

Positiv’eau provides training, methods and coaching to individual and organizations.

The community statute is a global unique repository of all accepted agreements. It forms the base for all QOLWorld initiatives and contains all agreements and processes defining the workings of the community. The genesis version of the community statute is referenced in the statute of the Quality of life World foundation. Every subsequent version of the community statute is valid if:

It holds a reference to the previous version

It is signed by each individual director of the Foundation

It is sealed by the Foundation

The community statute will be digitally available, immutable, verifiable, ubiquitous.

The agreements in the constitutional section define the functional bodies of the environment. They can only be changed under advisory of the constitutional commission. The constitutional agreements are composed of:

The mindset: The QOLWorld-Community ethics and values

The specifications of the democratic process

 The specifications binding the community statute to the Foundation statute as well as all other legal documents binding the corporate and company structures in the network.

The community statute is a global unique repository of all accepted agreements. It forms the base for all QOLWorld initiatives and contains all agreements and processes defining the workings of the community. The genesis version of the community statute is referenced in the statute of the Quality of life World foundation. Every subsequent version of the community statute is valid if:

The community statute will be digitally available, immutable, verifiable, ubiquitous.

The agreements in the constitutional section define the functional bodies of the environment. They can only be changed under advisory of the constitutional commission. The constitutional agreements are composed of: